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Pianeti Sintetici (ITA)

An intergalactic journey open to the reception of biosounds from remote solar systems. Letters from alien worlds that tell of infinite possibilities of life. The soundtrack of synthetic planets aimed at hyperevolution of intelligent organisms. ৲ ∙ ⌓ ▔ ◎ ▴ Pianeti Sintetici ('synthetic planets' in Italian) is a new conceptual project by Davide Perrone (Primal Code) that draws inspiration from the factories of Magrathea, a planet in Douglas Adams' classic space opera The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where artificial planets are manufactured on commission. 'This concept has always fascinated me, and I chose the name to frame a hypothetical future of synthetic worlds, told with sound,' Davide says. 'I like to imagine the howls of creatures inhabiting solar systems outside our own. Rarefied atmospheres, alien sequences, and unfamiliar tonal scales. So, I see Pianeti Sintetici as an open-ended design research project where I can explore these inspirations.' Mi piace pensare ai ruggiti delle creature abitanti altri sistemi solari. Atmosfere rarefatte, sequenze aliene, scale tonali sconosciute. Vedo Pianeti Sintetici come un progetto di ricerca aperto, dove posso esplorare e concretizzare la mia immaginazione sonora e visiva.”


The forgotten valleyVeggli


0 mm m/s60.041, 9.150